

EURAS offers a network for students to get more involved in the research area of standardisation and standardisation management



EURAS focuses on education by providing a platform for lecturers on standardisation to share experience and teaching materials


PhD Students

For PhD students persuing an academic career, EURAS offers a valuable network in the academic world of standardisation and standardisation management



EURAS provides a network for researchers in the area of standards and standardisation


IT-standards, Wifi-standards, IoT

EURAS focuses on a wide variety of subjects


EC Standardisation Researchers' Network

EURAS hosts the EC Standardisation Researchers' Network initiated and supported by the European Commission

EURAS: For Whom?

The activities of EURAS focus on:

promoting standardisation research,
a critical evaluation standardisation research in the interest of scientific education,
improving opportunities to publish research results,
supporting the development and professionalisation of standards education.

EURAS Conference

The 29th EURAS Standardisation Conference takes place at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, from 18-20 June, 2025.
The theme is 'Empowering Standardisation Through Education'.
Check out the conference page for more information.


The European Commission Standardisation Researchers Network aims present an overview of research and education on standardisation. The EC-SRN is also a communication channel for the European Commission concerning standardisation research and education on standardisation. The EC and EURAS agreed to use the EURAS website for this purpose. The EC co-funded the development of the website.

What is EURAS?

EURAS, the European Academy for Standardisation e.V., was founded in Hamburg in 1993 by researchers from various academic fields (e.g. economics, engineering, social sciences, law, and information sciences). EURAS is a registered society under German civil law, and a non-profit organization. The foundation of EURAS was prompted by a common desire to promote and achieve progress in the academic treatment of standardisation, involving the widest possible range of disciplines.

The society's activities focus on :

  • promoting standardization research
  • a critical evaluation thereof in the interest of scientific education
  • improving opportunities to publish research results
  • supporting the development and professionalization of standards education

Objective: "EURAS' objective is to promote research, education and publication in the field of standardisation."

EURAS offers a platform for exchanging information, collaboration and dissemination. It does so by organising annual EURAS conferences and publishing the conference proceedings, the EURAS Yearbook and other publications.

The conferences draws academic researchers with different disciplinary backgrounds, representatives from national and regional standards bodies, representatives from government agencies and company representatives, who share an interest in standardisation. In principle, conference presentations can address any aspect and field of standardisation. In the past, there have been lectures on standards for IT and telecom, scientific methods, accountancy, water quality, gas, infrastructures, etc.

While EURAS emphasizes the need for increased European co-operation, it is internationally oriented and welcomes the participation from and collaboration with colleagues from other regions.

EURAS on standardization research

EURAS wants to promote interdisciplinary research on standards of all kinds and in all fields. In the past, papers at EURAS Workshops addressed standardisation of scientific methods, IT and telecom standards, accountancy standards, standards for water quality, standards for gas, infrastructure standards, etc.

To support researchers, EURAS provides

  • opportunities for knowledge exchange and feedback among peers (that is, colleagues from the academic world, from industry and, not in the least, from the standards world)
  • information about ongoing research projects
  • information about funding opportunities

by means of EURAS Workshops (this includes organising discussants for paper presenters where possible), the EURAS Workshop proceedings, the EURAS Yearbook, the EURAS Newsletter and the mailing list.

Collaboration among EURAS members has led inter alia to interdisciplinary EU-funded research projects and articles.

The EURAS workshop proceedings

Only the proceedings of the EURAS workshops held in 2001, 2003-2008 are still available. The tables of contents and the orderform for the EURAS Workshops can be downloaded from the downloads page.

EURAS on Education

Standardization is a much neglected topic in higher education. EURAS wants to help change this situation and supports the development of standardization curricula by providing a platform and opportunities for the discussion, development and exchange of teaching material.

Collaboration among EURAS members has led inter alia to interdisciplinary EU-funded education projects and articles.

In addition, EURAS developed a white paper, 'Academic Standardisation Education in Europe', which can be downloaded from the download page (members only).

EURAS Conference

The annual EURAS Conferences go back to the mid-90s of the last century.

The 29th EURAS Annual Standardisation Conference takes place at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, from 18-20 June, 2025.

The theme of the EURAS-conference: 'Empowering Standardisation Through Education'.

For more information on the program and other information, please check out the conference page.



EURAS Membership

The EURAS Membership is available for researchers and other professionals in the field of standardisation in academic research and education. The EURAS Membership is free of charge and is continued automatically unless cancelled. When EURAS communication fails to rearch the e-mail address provided, the membership will also end.

EURAS offers a platform for exchanging information, collaboration and dissemination. It does so by organising annual EURAS conferences and publishing the conference proceedings and other publications.

EURAS Members receive 10% discount on the conference fees when membership exists prior to the opening of the conference registration (e.g.1 May - Date may vary).

To obtain access to the password protected part of the EURAS website, membership is a prerequisite.

To apply for the EURAS Membership, please register for membership. When registering for EURAS membership, you may also register to become part of the European Commission Standardisation Researchers Network.

For further information, please use the contact form.

EC Standardization Researchers Network

The European Commission Standardisation Researchers Network is an initiative of the European Commission to increase the access to standardisation research and standardasation researchers. The network consists of promotional facilities for researchers and the communication channels for information from the European Commission to the research community.

Registration is free of charge.