2024 Call for Papers and Program

2024 Call for Papers and Program


The 4th edition of the Draft Program is available. This version includes basic logistics. For more logistics information, please check out the Travel & Accommodation page.

Download the program (update 17 June, 2024)

Call for Papers

Various developments take place quickly in today's society, resulting in grand innovations. For example, with the ongoing convergence of industries, technologies originating from multiple sectors can be connected in complex, innovative systems, such as smart cities and e-health applications. When these complex, innovative systems reach their full functionality, we may partly solve the grand challenges of our time (such as realising the energy transition, coping with vulnerabilities of ICT systems and facilitating (health)care for the aging population). These complex innovative systems are (together with innovation ecosystems and values) part of socio-technical systems (STSs). Co-ordination should be achieved within these socio-technical systems to accomplish these innovative systems. This refers to co-ordination between technological system components, within the innovation ecosystems, and between values.

Stakeholders involved in the STSs may use ‘comprehensive standardisation’, defined as co-ordination accomplished between system components, actors in an innovation ecosystem and (possibly conflicting) values.

The main question that the conference addresses is how standardisation can help design and optimize complex innovation systems to address some of the most pressing grand challenges of our time. We are especially interested in the implications for policy makers and managers. Against this background, EURAS 2024 solicits papers on the above theme or elements thereof. However, articles on other standardisation topics will also be considered. Sample topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Standardisation for societal challenges
  • Market, system and transition failures in STSs and the role of standardisation
  • Stakeholder involvement in STSs and standardisation 
  • Standards battles, dominant designs, and platform wars
  • Economic and/or societal impact of standards • 
  • Responsible standardisation
  • Standardisation roadmaps
  • Combinations of modes of standardisation in STSs
  • Strategic aspects of standardization in STSs
  • Standardisation and geopolitics
  • The tensions between globalisation and localisation
  • Public policy concerning the role of standardisation and conformity assessment
  • Standardization and international regulatory cooperation
  • Adoption/implementation of standards
  • Standardisation processes
  • Role of first, second and third party conformity assessment in assuring conformance to standards
  • The influence of external developments on standardization methods and techniques
  • The role of standards and patents
  • Cooperation and cultural challenges in STSs and the role of standardisation principles
  • Standardisation strategies and roadmaps in STSs
  • Standardisation and the United Nations' SDGs
  • Stimulating innovations through standardisation
  • Systems approach to standardisation
  • Pre-normative research
  • Standardisation and entrepreneurship
  • Legislation and standardisation
  • Success factors of standardisation in STSs
  • Standardisation and EU-policy
  • Aligning standardisation initiatives at the national, regional or international level
  • Managing standardisation at different levels
  • History and evolution of standardisation
  • Standardization and sustainability
  • Role and positioning of standardisation within the quality infrastructure
  • Complementary roles of private conformity assessment and governmental inspection


We welcome two types of submissions:

  • Full research papers (up to 20 single-spaced pages);
  • Practitioners’ papers (primarily, though not exclusively on joint standardisation and innovation management; up to 4 single-spaced pages).

Papers should adhere to the formatting guidelines stated on the Call for Papers (Pdf).

Submission of papers is via EasyChair. See for more information the Call for Papers (Pdf).

Review process

All papers will be double-blind reviewed by members of the Technical Programme Committee. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, as part of the ‘EURAS Contributions to Standardisation Research’ book series.

Particularly good and relevant papers will be fast-tracked for a special issue of the Journal on Standardisation (subject to the authors’ approval).


  • Paper submission: 18 March, 2024
  • Notification: 10 April, 2024
  • Final paper: 8 May, 2024

Formatting Guidelines

Please see the Call for Papers (Pdf).

Download the Latex-template (Word)

Download the Latex-template (Pdf)

More information

You'll find more information in the Call for Papers (Pdf).